Tuesday 30 November 2010

Contraband Confusion

*Lately, boy has been pushing the boundaries, and as a result, I'm trying deprivation as a discipline method ... it's not going so well*

boy: *walks through the house with a toy when I've asked him to go to the bathroom*
me: give me the contraband and go to the toilet!
boy: it's my contraband mummy
me: I know it's yours, but I want you to go to the toilet, so give it to me!

boy: I don't want to go to nursery today
me: you have to go to nursery, I have to go to work
boy: I want to go to Manchester
me: okay, get ready to go to Manchester, we'll get you a lift to the station *boy gets ready, I put him in the car for nursery*

*the biggest issue at the moment, is how clearly and quickly he picks words up ...*
me: get your coat on and stop jumping!
boy: *comes over to me and lets me put on my coat. He waits until the zip's up* Bitch.

mum: *stubbing her toe and not realising he was near* oh fuck!
boy: fuck, fuck, fuck
me: you mean, duck, you're saying it wrong!
dad: *not realising boy is near either* oh, bugger!
boy: did you say fuck grandpa?

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