Tuesday 21 September 2010

Too early in the morning

(This happened this morning about half past six, after he crawled into my bed and spent the whole night there):

me: *open my eyes*
him: *whispering* bored.
me: you're bored?
him: yeah, I'm bored!


him: *crawling onto my lap, and pumping his arm up and down* splshsssssh! Mummy, I flushed you!
me: what, am I a toilet?
him: no, you're a wee-wee!

Monday 20 September 2010

Kids sometimes have gender issues

(On day 5 of toilet training, where we've so far had 4 successful wee's in the toilet)

"Mummy, I like wearing knickers."

(On a day I had a meeting at work, and had no one to watch him while I went, so I had to bring him along. I bribed him to be quiet with a happy meal and his buzz and woody dolls)

"I have old mcdonalds? Old mcdonalds?"

He's well trained:

me: Matt?
him: DAMON!
me: Ben?
me: Harry?
him: POTTER!
me: Awwick?
him: (in the accent) BAWWWINN!

Potter Puppet Pals are universal:

"Snake, snake, sessessess snake! Dubbadore!"

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Kid discoveries

(This happened post-bath, pre-pull ups) "Look mummy, I have a tail!" *grabs himself*

(And this was on introducing him to 'big boy pants', with a picture of Woody from toy story on front) *to book* "Look Woody, is that you? It is!"

At least he eats his vegetables

(while eating peas and carrots, which I cooked with cottage pie. He'd already had tea at nursery, but it never hurts to encourage your kids to eat veg, right?) "I popped my carrot!" *takes another baby carrot and sucks like spaghetti until it pops*

Potty training doesn't always go to plan:
Grandma: have you done poos?
him: yeeeeeeahhhhhhh .... no.
me: yes or no?
him: hmmmmmmmm yes. No.

First entry

This is going to be my blog about the funniest person in my life, my three year old son. He comes out with such brilliant one liners, I want to document them. So when he gets a girlfriend I can shame him with this.

Some examples of his absolute wit:

(On attending Eid-ul-fitr at the local surestart, where they made the mistake of having the storytelling and drum workshop in the same room as a bunch of toys. Most of the children either cried or headed for the role play kitchen area.)

"I liked the drums mummy. I liked the kitchen too."

(A conversation about knock knock jokes)

him: knock knock
me: who's there?
him: Tay
me:Tay who?
him: Tay's at my house!
me: No, that's not how it's meant to go, it's like 'knock knock'. *blank look from him* *whispering* say 'who's there?'
him: who's there?
me: doctor. *another blank look* say doctor who *another blank look* okay, knock knock.
him: ring the doorbell.
me: no, knock knock.
him: ring the doorbell, ring the doorbell!

(To his grandmother, while I'm at work) 'Grandma, you get on my nerves.'

(To my brother, when he comes into the room) 'Go away' (my brother leaves) 'No, come back!' (he returns) ' ... Go away'